Website made using only Xara Web Designer, and no other graphics or software tools. 6) Save & Publish When you select File -> Save this saves your website as a Web Designer .web file. This is the working format for Web Designer. To save the HTML files for viewing in a browser you must choose the File -> Export Website menu option.  This creates one HTML file for each page of your website and puts all the associated files into a folder next to this. Publishing In order to put your website on the web for all to see, you need a web hosting company.  There are hundreds of companies that offer ‘web space’. The process of transferring your website from your hard disk to the web server at your hosting company is called FTP upload (file transfer protocol). You need three pieces of information from your web hosting company: Your FTP host name, your username and password. Before you can publish you must export the website to your hard disk first. Then, assuming you have your FTP account information simply select File -> Publish Website, and you’ll be asked to enter those three FTP details. --- End --- The following sections demonstrate a few more features: Pop-ups You can easily create pop-ups with Web Designer. These are links, buttons or photos that when clicked, or even just when the mouse is moved over the link, a pop-up window appears. The following is an example of this in action. In the web browser preview of this page, move the mouse pointer over the peacock picture or the following annotated buttons, or even this text.  This example is quite sophisticated in that it has multiple pop-ups with faded backgrounds, but it shows what’s possible.  In Web Designer the Page & Layer Gallery on the right side can be expanded to show the layers on each page (click the small triangle to expand any page), and you will see each of the pop-up layers. These 4 buttons along the top toolbar provide access to the most common functions of Xara Web Designer. Three of them have fly-out menus of other controls. Mouse-over the individual controls to find out more. This photo is a repelling object (if you drag it around the page in Web Designer the text moves out of the way). It also uses a pop-up effect so as you mouse-over the image it shows another layer on top. NavBars Web Designer includes what is probably the most advanced navigation bar (NavBar) building feature of any web authoring program. Along the top of these pages is a simple example, and here’s another, that has sub-menus. (preview this web page to try them out) Building high-class graphical NavBars like this has previously been the preserve of skilled graphic artists. Now you can add such designs to your website. What makes these so special is that you can just edit the button labels and all the graphic design is adjusted to accommodate the label automatically. You can of course have them any color, and we include dozens of alternate designs in the Designs Gallery.  You can also incorporate drop-down menus with various animation and transparency effects. The next pages provides a few pointers to some more advanced features such as embedding videos, making items repeat across all pages, and other features. Preview Links Web Properties Export & Publish